Run Studio Run


Author: Eli Altman
Publisher: ExtraCurricular Press
Year Published: 2018
Dimensions: 5.5in. x 8.5in.
Pages: 267

Run Studio Run is a creative business guide written by the Creative Director, Eli Altman. This guide focuses on helping creative leaders look at their business’ critically, and honestly, to help them do the work they want to do. It covers a wide range of topics like defining the business offering, measuring success, effective meetings, studio process, and negotiation. There are also tips and insights from various creative businesses like Commercial Type, Draplin Design Co., and Moniker (the studio who designed this book) juxtaposed amongst the vast amount of wisdom.

This guide contains lots of succinct, insightful, and practical information. Although Eli Altman’s writing is knowledgeable it is not overwhelming. It’s as if he is having a casual conversation with the reader which makes it easy to read, and hard to put down.

It’s important to note that this book is written for creatives who own or manage a small creative business that consists of up to twenty or so employees. Altman clarifies that the advice is not written for freelancers or businesses of one person. This being said I think this book provides great insight for any creative regardless.

Similar to books on the same topic Altman covers things like management, hiring, collaboration, accounting, communication, and project management. What differs is Altman’s ability to demystify each of these topics, and break down his advice into understandable points. For example, he covers what type of work creative leaders should delegate to other staff to maximize productivity, and tackles the false concept of perfection and the importance of keeping the project flowing.

One addition to this text that is helpful is the insight from various creative businesses. They serve as real-world supplements to Altman’s content, and they provide another perspective that widens the reader's world.

This guide is designed by the design firm, Moniker. With its limited color palette of black, white, and dark yellow it is more visually stimulating than other business books. Each chapter header is juxtaposed alongside a hand-drawn illustration that adds another layer of visual interest. Other than these illustrations there is no other visual imagery. All other imagery comes from the bold and beautifully set type, which is all set in Founder’s Grotesk

This book is perfect-bound and features a kraft-paper cover with french fold flaps. This book is comfortable to hold while reading making it difficult to put down.

One thing this book is missing is page numbers in the table of contents. This can almost be overlooked as this is one of only a handful of books I found that includes a colophon.

Personal Thoughts
I think this book is one of the best books for creative entrepreneurs and business leaders. Altman’s insight on the creative industry is priceless and his advice is digestible and easy to apply in the real world. I love that the content is easy to read and easy to get lost in. Reading this book inspires me to pursue my own creative business in the future.

If you choose to purchase this book I recommend you purchase it from Eli Altman’s website because you will receive a free poster that summarizes all of the main points from this book. This book can also be purchased from ExtraCurricular Press.