Magical Geometry


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Author: SendPoints
Publisher: SendPoints
Year Published: 2016
Dimensions: 8.5 in x 11 in
Pages: 224


Geometry is one of the biggest elements within design. Without it, there would have never been the Bauhaus movement, no Midcentury Modernism, and certainly no Memphis. It strives for balance and form through repeated elements that allow for playfulness through modularity. 

Magical Geometry captures all of these essences within its content, while providing contemporary work that would make any designer drool. The work features logos, patterns, color palettes, illustration, packaging, and editorial that are all encapsulated into different brands that inhabit each page and spread. 


Is it Worth it

This book contains a lot of visually stunning work, but that’s about it. There is nothing special about the books layouts, typography, or folio system, and the photos/mock-ups are hit or miss since they taken by the individual designers. Although there is a lot of visually appealing work, for the most part, there is nothing special about the work. Most of the work provides very little context as to what shaped the graphics, which leads me to believe that most of the work within this book is to showcase the more artistic side of graphic design.

That being said, if you are looking for a book that contains a lot of work for visual inspiration, and you already have your library in progress, then this book is worthwhile. If you are someone who is starting out, then I strongly advise you avoid this book simply because all of the work is stylized to fit more contemporary and niche trends.

This book retails for $39.95 but can usually be found for around $30, especially via amazon.
