
Hello! First things first, I hope you are doing well! We’re finally in that weird resting zone in-between Thanksgiving and the Holidays where we scramble to find the perfect gifts for loved ones, while simultaneously trying to avoid leaving our homes so we don’t have to deal with the overwhelming amounts of people trying to do the same thing. Alas, any excuse to convince us to stay home, curl up with a good book, and enjoy a nice cup of whatever is a perfect excuse.

Secondly, I’m here to announce a few, exciting, updates that will be coming to Bibliografik in the up and coming weeks! As I just wrapped up our first rendition of our brand guidelines, I will be jumping right back into them to make a few more adjustments and additions to solidify the Bibliografik identity. That being said, as a way to kick off these new rounds of adjustments, I will be reading, reviewing, and flipping through some new brand books in the up and coming weeks. If you are curious about any of the titles, then keep an eye out for my November haul, and upcoming schedule where I will let you know which day each review and flip through will be posted. That way if you are thinking about purchasing said book, but are still unsure, you’ll know when you’ll finally be able to make that decision comfortably. Or, if you’re looking to buy said book and read it before the review comes out so you can contribute to the conversation, then by all means, indulge in it. 

Thirdly, Bibliografik has been working extensively to restock our Depop shop with new and exciting titles. Make sure to follow our shop @Bibliografik so you’ll be one of the first to catch our listing hot off the press! We are also proud to announce that we will be expanding our store to also carry new printed goods, including bookmarks, greeting cards, stickers, and mini posters! Mark your calendars because new titles will be posted the first week of December, and additional merch will be posted by the end of December!

Lastly, I want to thank every single person who checks out Bibliografik. Make sure to maintain your passion for design, keep reading, and keep doing you. 
