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Book Reviews
Designing with Type, 5th Edition: The Essential Guide to Typography, authored by James Craig and Irene Korol Scala, is a comprehensive and indispensable resource for typography enthusiasts. With updated content and full-color images, the book covers fundamental principles, historical developments, and practical aspects of typography, emphasizing its importance in conveying meaning and emotions. It explores the role of technology in contemporary typography and delves into the artistry and aesthetics of design, offering valuable guidance on effectively incorporating type in various mediums.
Finding time to read is difficult. Everyone knows it's essential and has an incredible impact on health. It boosts intelligence, relieves stress, increases empathy, and it can even make people live longer. As a visual designer myself, I have had difficulty finding the time to read. But over the years, I've discovered these five tips that encouraged me to develop a reading habit where I read every day.