The Eye: How the Worlds Most Influential Creative Directors Develop Their Vision


Author: Nathan Williams
Publisher: Artisan
Year Published: 2018
Dimensions: 8.8in x 11.8in x 1.6in
Pages: 448

Bringing together advice from over 90 of the world’s most iconic creative directors, The Eye brings readers behind the scenes how some of the most influential readers succeed in their fields. 

Through a series of interviews, Wiliams brings readers into the worlds of leading designers, photographers, stylists, editorial directors, tastemakers, and many other creative professionals to learn about the books they read, who inspires them, their technique for success, and how they developed their eye.

The Eye also showcases creative professionals of the past with concise vignettes, the must-have objects to maximize productivity, and the best books on design, success, and productivity.