Magazine B: Instagram


Magazine B

Issue: No. 68
Publisher: Brand Balance
Dimensions: 9.5”x6.5”
No. of Pages: 167

This issue of Magazine B revolves around the global social media app, Instagram, showcases how the worlds most popular social network is transforming into a marketing platform and e-commerce network.

Magazine B Instagram

If you don’t know what Magazine B is yet, it is a single issue publication that revolves around a single brand. It presents the brands history, brand elements, and how it is revolutionizing the industry it lives in. Not only that, but it intertwines a narrative and over-arching marketing principle throughout. 

Magazine B Instagram

The narrative and marketing principle of this issue is the transformation of the every day subject into the influential power. This issue not only delves into the history and branding of Instagram, but it tackles the concepts of the rise to fame, becoming an influencer, and reshaping the world of marketing. As with every issue of Magazine B, this issue is packed with interviews of key people who are well-known in the Instagram ecosphere, such as Eva Chen, Ian Spalter, Marcus Fairs, Mike Krieger, and Marnie Levine, as well as insights from various, smaller players in the game. There is also forms of content that are specific to this issue. Some of this content includes interviews with some of Instagram’s target audiences like  millennials, and influencers who have taken their businesses to the next step by utilizing Instagram as a marketing tool. 

Magazine B Instagram

I know I’m referencing marketing a lot in this review, but that’s because it is a key component of this issue. It’s actually quite annoying though. When I picked up this issue and flipped through the table of contents, I thought this issue was going to give me greater insight on how people in a variety of professions are currently utilizing Instagram to their advantages. I thought there would be insights on what users are sharing, how content has changed, how Instagram inspired new products to be created, and how Instagram has impacted the world of design. But this issue didn’t discuss any of these topics.

Magazine B Instagram

This issue mainly focused on each individual feature Instagram contains, like editing, stories, and IGTV, as well as how Instagram started out on a rocky path, but has since then evolved into a new marketing tool. Matter of fact, IGTV has been mentioned a few too many times for my interest in this issue. Almost every interview with a member of Instagram promoted how revolutionary IGTV is because users no longer have to be inconvenienced to turn their phones horizontally to watch a video. This repetition made this issue a little stagnant, and it started to feel like a promotion for Instagram instead of an exposé. Another thing I noticed is there was a section of interviews with millennials who use Instagram, and it primarily focused on Korean millennials. Like my last review, this isn’t a problem considering this is a Korean based publication. Although, it is not an accurate depiction of Instragram’s entire target demographic.

Magazine B Instagram

That being said, I enjoyed this section’s interviews. I think it was fascinating that all of the young adults explained their reasonings for what they post, how some of them craved followers while others didn’t care so much, how they curate their photos and feeds, and what apps they use. I thought it was also interesting how they showed off their home screens. It felt as if I could relate their personalities from the interviews to each of their phone screens based on design, background, and layout. Another aspect of this issue that I loved is all of the photography. Each photo felt as if it was pulled from the profiles of Instagram users. There were a few sections used as dividers that showcased several photos tagged from certain locations around the world. It was incredible to see how people in the same location share their lives from their own perspectives, as well as how they curate how they show their perspectives.

Magazine B Instagram

I think the best part of this issue is the content towards the end. This section is full of information graphics, one after the other. The content ranges from the most popular tags on Instagram along with how they originated, information about the top social media and e-commerce creators like Mark Zuckerberg and Kevin Systrom, as well as some interesting statistics about demographics, uploads, and users. 

Magazine B Instagram

I think the most interesting part about this publication is it’s ability to have me fully immersed into it. It’s unique combination of storytelling, captivating design, and interesting subject leaves me craving to be constantly reading this. When I’m not reading it, I can’t stop thinking about wanting to read it. When I am reading it, I feel like I am a part of the story. It helps build an incredible appreciation for the brand as well as every key player a part of it. 

Magazine B Instagram

Overall, I highly recommend this issue to anyone who enjoys Instagram, or social media in general, or someone who owns their own independent company and enjoy marketing on Instagram. I don’t think this issue will be integral to anyone looking for design inspiration if they already own another issue because the design and typography is similar throughout each issue. Surprisingly, I don’t think this issue is the best for someone who wants photography inspiration. Despite most of the photos being sourced from Instagram, a lot of them still feel like that, and not in a good way. It’s obvious that a lot of these photos are taken by amateurs and it feels so. I think it might be okay to use these photos as content inspiration because the subject of the photos range greatly. Regardless, the narrative and the brand are what make this issue incredible. Like the last issue I reviewed, this one can be found on Amazon as well for a similar price of around $27 USD.