Book Haul!


There is no contest that book hauls are a fun favorite for a lot of people. It allows us to vicariously shop for books that we secretly want but either aren’t sure if they are worth it, or we don’t have the money to splurge at the moment. Either way, it is always fun to see what people collect. These are some of my latest book purchases that I will be reading, reviewing, and posting about in the upcoming weeks. And for those who are curious, there will be a schedule of book postings for the upcoming days/weeks, so you’ll know when to come back. Let’s get to it:


Making It - Mollie Makes

This book is dedicated to all of the crafters who are looking to expand their hobbies into new business ventures. Mollie discusses the importance of branding, sharing on social media, money management, and modes of selling to help crafters navigate the challenging world of entrepreneurship.

Graphic Design For… - Andy Cooke

Focusing on the exploration in which graphic designers collaborate with others in professional creative fields, like fashion, photography, film, product design, architecture, etc.. This book shows how experimental, interesting, and amazing graphic design can be when expanded to other creative products and outlets. Featuring lots of contemporary graphic design, this book will please all who are fascinated by todays design zeitgeist.


Don’t Get a Job… Make a Job - Gem Barton

Targeted towards college graduates, Barton interviews and discusses the lives of a plethora of entrepreneurs venturing into the world of freelance, and self-initiated work to show that design graduates do not need to follow the stereotypical path of diving head first into the corporate world once school is over. This book is loaded with quality insight, advice, and imagery that will be sure to inspire any self-driven graduate. 


Rubber Stamping - Stephen Fowler

Fowler documents over 40 various stamping/block printing exercises that will inspire any crafter or designer who is obsessed with relief printing.

Designing Type - Karen Cheng

Designing Type is the ultimate book about type design. Cheng dissects every letter, character, and glyph of serif, sans serif, and display typefaces and their variants to ensure that readers will understand all their is to know about the basics of typography and type design.

Start Me Up - Gestalten

A compilation of stunning, contemporary branding projects from around the globe that will inspire all graphic designers. 

For the most part, most of these books revolve around the theme of starting a business and entrepreneurial endeavors. This is fitting because Bibliogafik’s store is going to be expanding to carrying a larger variety of items in the upcoming weeks! In order to prep, I will be reading and reviewing lots of entrepreneurial books to help prepare me expand the shop. If you have any book recommendations, comment them down below, and I’ll try to review them!